Removing the Mystery Pieces: A Day in the Boatyard

Ep 53 Mom works on the boat too! -

Greetings, fellow sailors and boat enthusiasts! Today, we invite you to join us on a journey into the depths of our boatyard, where mysteries await and challenges abound. With the sun shining brightly overhead and the hum of activity all around us, we embark on a mission to rid our vessel of unwanted intruders.

As we gaze upon the back of our transit, we're greeted by a peculiar sight—a couple of mysterious pieces that need to go. Armed with determination and a few trusty tools, we set out to uncover the secrets hidden within.

With each bolt and screw carefully removed, we edge closer to our goal, unraveling the tangled web of 5200 adhesive that holds our unwanted guests in place. Despite a few hiccups along the way—a broken bolt here, a stubborn screw there—we press on, fueled by the promise of a clutter-free boat and the satisfaction of a job well done.

But fear not, dear readers, for we are not alone in our quest. With the help of our trusty sidekick, Liberty, we tackle each obstacle with tenacity and grit, overcoming challenges big and small. From tight spaces to stubborn adhesive, no challenge is too great for our intrepid team.

As the pieces finally give way and we emerge victorious, we're reminded of the power of perseverance and the importance of teamwork. Together, we've conquered yet another hurdle in our ongoing boatyard saga, proving that with a little ingenuity and a lot of elbow grease, anything is possible.

And so, as we bid farewell to our unwanted guests and bask in the glory of a job well done, we're reminded once again of the beauty of life on the water—the camaraderie, the challenges, and the triumphs that come with each passing day.

But our adventure is far from over, dear readers. With each mystery solved, a new one emerges, beckoning us ever onward into the unknown. So until next time, fair winds and following seas!


A Day in the Boatyard: Filling Holes and Making Progress


Troubleshooting the Windlass: A Tale of Electrical Woes